
Friday, February 01, 2013

OPI Anti-Bleak vs. OPI No Spain No Gain

Hi everyone! Today I have a little comparison post that has just been sitting around in my "to post" folder and I'm not sure why it never made its way onto my blog! I know how much you guys appreciate comparison posts and I think you'll love this one because these polishes are quite close.
See what I mean when I say they're similar? On the left is OPI Anti-Bleak from the Mariah Carey collaboration that hit stores in January. On the left is an old favourite of mine, OPI No Spain No Gain. 

On my index and ring fingers I am wearing OPI Anti-Bleak and my middle and pinky fingers have OPI No Spain No Gain. As you can see, OPI Anti-Bleak seems to be just a tad darker with maybe a touch of plum, while No Spain No Gain leans a little more toward the fuchsia end of the spectrum.

As you can see, these two polishes are not dupes, but do you really need both in your collection? Both of them have awesome formulas so if you're not a big berry person I would pick up one or the other.

I hope this has helped you in deciding whether or not you'll pick up Anti-Bleak from the Mariah Carey collection!


  1. I actually have been wondering about this! I have No Spain No Gain, but was really liking swatches of Anti-Bleak. I don't think I need both, though.

  2. I think for my skin tone Anti-Bleak would look better of the 2...I have No Spain...but tend to only wear it on my toes - it's a good one to pull out when it's fall but still 80 degrees where I live and I am in sandals till at least end of Oct.

  3. іżуć sіę aż dо piеczary.

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    Ρгzeԁzieranie się przez nadbrzeżne łozу ѕpоśród οwсzуm zewłokiem przy paсhą ѕtało
    trudnieϳszе niż pгzypuszсzаł.

    loѕ ści.
